160 câu hỏi và trả lời tiếng anh giao tiếp cơ bản hằng ngày

160 câu hỏi và trả lời tiếng anh giao tiếp cơ bản hằng ngày

Dưới đây là một danh sách gồm 160 câu hỏi và trả lời tiếng Anh cơ bản cho các tình huống giao tiếp hàng ngày:

Greetings and Introductions:

  1. Q: Hi, how are you? A: I’m good, thanks. How about you?
  2. Q: What’s your name? A: My name is [Your Name].
  3. Q: Where are you from? A: I’m from [Your Country/City].
  4. Q: Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you too.
  5. Q: How’s your day going? A: It’s going well, thanks. How about yours?

Asking About Someone: 6. Q: What do you do for a living? A: I’m a [Your Occupation].

  1. Q: Do you have any siblings? A: Yes, I have [Number] siblings.
  2. Q: Are you married? A: No, I’m not married.
  3. Q: How old are you? A: I’m [Your Age] years old.
  4. Q: What are your hobbies? A: I enjoy [Your Hobbies], such as [Hobby 1] and [Hobby 2].

Daily Activities: 11. Q: What time do you wake up? A: I usually wake up at [Time].

  1. Q: What’s your favorite food? A: I love [Favorite Food].
  2. Q: What do you like to do in your free time? A: I enjoy [Activity 1] and [Activity 2].
  3. Q: Do you exercise? A: Yes, I go to the gym/do yoga/go for a run.
  4. Q: What’s your favorite movie? A: My favorite movie is [Movie Title].

Talking About Work/School: 16. Q: Where do you work/study? A: I work/study at [Company/School Name].

  1. Q: What do you study? A: I study [Your Major/Field of Study].
  2. Q: How do you like your job/school? A: I enjoy my job/school. It’s challenging and interesting.
  3. Q: What’s your typical work/school day like? A: My typical day involves [Activities].
  4. Q: How long have you been working/studying there? A: I’ve been there for [Number] years/months.

Discussing Plans: 21. Q: What are you doing this weekend? A: I’m planning to [Activity] on the weekend.

  1. Q: Are you free on [Day]? A: Yes, I’m available on [Day].
  2. Q: Do you have any plans for the holidays? A: Yes, I’m going to [Place] for the holidays.
  3. Q: Want to grab a coffee sometime? A: Sure, that sounds great.
  4. Q: Can you join us for dinner tonight? A: I’m sorry, I already have plans for tonight.

Talking About Travel: 26. Q: Have you traveled abroad before? A: Yes, I’ve been to [Countries/Cities].

  1. Q: Where’s your favorite place you’ve visited? A: My favorite place I’ve visited is [Place Name].
  2. Q: Do you like traveling? A: Yes, I love traveling and experiencing new cultures.
  3. Q: Have you been to [Place]? A: No, I haven’t been there yet.
  4. Q: What’s your dream travel destination? A: My dream destination is [Dream Destination].

Discussing Food and Drinks: 31. Q: What’s your favorite restaurant? A: My favorite restaurant is [Restaurant Name].

  1. Q: Do you like cooking? A: Yes, I enjoy cooking meals at home.
  2. Q: What’s your favorite type of cuisine? A: I really enjoy [Cuisine Type].
  3. Q: Can I get you something to drink? A: Yes, I’ll have [Drink Choice].
  4. Q: Do you like spicy food? A: Yes, I enjoy spicy food.

Shopping and Buying: 36. Q: Where can I find [Item]? A: You can find it at [Store Name].

  1. Q: How much does this cost? A: It’s [Price] dollars/pounds.
  2. Q: Do you have this in a different color/size? A: Yes, we have it in [Color/Size].
  3. Q: Can I get a discount? A: I’m sorry, the price is fixed.
  4. Q: Do you accept credit cards? A: Yes, we accept credit cards.

Talking About the Weather: 41. Q: How’s the weather today? A: It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy today.

  1. Q: Do you like [Weather Condition] days? A: Yes, I enjoy [Weather Condition] days.
  2. Q: What’s the forecast for the weekend? A: It’s supposed to be [Weather Forecast] on the weekend.
  3. Q: Have you been outside today? A: Yes, I went for a walk earlier.
  4. Q: Do you like [Season]? A: Yes, I enjoy [Season]. It’s my favorite.

Discussing Family and Friends: 46. Q: How’s your family doing? A: They’re doing well, thanks for asking.

  1. Q: Are you close to your siblings? A: Yes, we’re very close.
  2. Q: Do you have any children? A: No, I don’t have children.
  3. Q: What do you usually do with your friends? A: We often [Activity] together.
  4. Q: When was the last time you saw your family? A: I saw them [Time Frame] ago.

Asking for Directions: 51. Q: Excuse me, how do I get to [Place]? A: Sure, you need to [Directions].

  1. Q: Is there a [Type of Place] around here? A: Yes, there’s a [Type of Place] down the street.
  2. Q: Can you show me on the map? A: Of course, let me show you.
  3. Q: Is it far from here? A: It’s about [Distance] away.
  4. Q: Can I walk there? A: Yes, you can walk there.

Talking on the Phone: 56. Q: Hello, who is this? A: This is [Your Name].

  1. Q: Can I speak to [Person’s Name]? A: I’m sorry, they’re not available right now. Can I take a message?
  2. Q: When is a good time to call back? A: You can call back [Time Frame].
  3. Q: Could you please repeat that? A: Sure, I said [Repeat Information].
  4. Q: I’ll call you back later. A: Sounds good, talk to you later.

Expressing Preferences: 61. Q: Do you prefer tea or coffee? A: I prefer coffee.

  1. Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl? A: I’m more of a night owl.
  2. Q: Do you like going to the beach or the mountains? A: I enjoy the mountains more.
  3. Q: What kind of music do you like? A: I like [Music Genre].
  4. Q: Do you like reading books or watching movies? A: I enjoy both, but I prefer reading books.

Making Plans: 66. Q: Do you want to go out for lunch? A: Sure, I’d love to.

  1. Q: How about we catch a movie this weekend? A: That sounds like a great idea.
  2. Q: Are you up for a hike tomorrow? A: I’d love to, count me in.
  3. Q: Let’s grab dinner at that new restaurant. A: Sounds good, when should we go?
  4. Q: How about we have a picnic in the park? A: That sounds like a fun plan.

Discussing Travel Plans: 71. Q: Have you ever been to [Destination]? A: Yes, I visited [Destination] last year.

  1. Q: Are you planning any trips this year? A: Yes, I’m planning to go to [Destination] in [Month].
  2. Q: What’s your favorite part of traveling? A: I enjoy experiencing new cultures and trying new foods.
  3. Q: Do you prefer solo travel or traveling with others? A: I enjoy both, but I prefer traveling with friends.
  4. Q: What’s the most memorable place you’ve visited? A: The most memorable place was [Place Name] because [Reason].

Discussing Hobbies: 76. Q: What do you like to do in your free time? A: I enjoy [Hobby 1] and [Hobby 2].

  1. Q: Do you play any musical instruments? A: Yes, I play the [Instrument].
  2. Q: Are you into sports? A: Yes, I play [Sport] regularly.
  3. Q: How long have you been doing [Hobby]? A: I’ve been doing it for [Number] years.
  4. Q: Do you have any creative hobbies? A: Yes, I enjoy painting and drawing.

Discussing Technology: 81. Q: What’s your favorite app on your phone? A: My favorite app is [App Name].

  1. Q: Do you use social media? A: Yes, I use [Social Media Platform].
  2. Q: How often do you check your emails? A: I check my emails several times a day.
  3. Q: What’s the last movie you watched online? A: The last movie I watched was [Movie Title].
  4. Q: Are you good with computers? A: Yes, I’m quite comfortable with computers.

Discussing Work and Career: 86. Q: What do you do for a living? A: I work as a [Job Title] at [Company].

  1. Q: How did you get into your current field? A: I studied [Field of Study] and found a job in that field.
  2. Q: Do you enjoy your job? A: Yes, I find my job fulfilling and challenging.
  3. Q: What’s the best part of your job? A: I enjoy [Aspects of Job].
  4. Q: What are your career goals? A: My goal is to [Career Goal].

Discussing Health and Well-being: 91. Q: Do you exercise regularly? A: Yes, I try to work out a few times a week.

  1. Q: What’s your favorite way to stay active? A: I enjoy [Activity], such as [Activity 1] and [Activity 2].
  2. Q: How do you manage stress? A: I practice [Stress Management Techniques] to cope with stress.
  3. Q: Are you a vegetarian/vegan? A: Yes, I follow a vegetarian/vegan diet.
  4. Q: How important is a healthy lifestyle to you? A: It’s very important, I prioritize my health and well-being.

Discussing Personal Goals: 96. Q: What are you currently working towards? A: I’m working towards [Personal Goal], such as [Goal 1] and [Goal 2].

  1. Q: Do you have any upcoming challenges? A: Yes, I’m preparing for [Challenge] in [Time Frame].
  2. Q: Have you accomplished any major goals recently? A: Yes, I achieved [Goal] a few months ago.
  3. Q: What motivates you to achieve your goals? A: I’m motivated by [Motivation Factors] and a desire to succeed.
  4. Q: How do you stay focused on your goals? A: I break them down into smaller steps and celebrate each achievement.

Discussing Cultural Differences: 101. Q: Have you lived in different countries? A: Yes, I’ve lived in [Countries], so I’ve experienced different cultures.

  1. Q: What’s the most interesting cultural experience you’ve had? A: One of the most interesting experiences was [Experience] in [Country].
  2. Q: How do you adapt to new cultures when traveling? A: I try to learn about local customs and interact with locals.
  3. Q: Do you enjoy trying new foods from different cultures? A: Absolutely, I love exploring different cuisines.
  4. Q: How do you handle language barriers while traveling? A: I use basic phrases, gestures, and translation apps.

Discussing Current Events: 106. Q: Have you been following the news lately? A: Yes, I’ve been keeping up with current events.

  1. Q: What’s your opinion on [Current Event]? A: I think [Share Your Opinion].
  2. Q: Do you think social media affects the way we perceive news? A: Yes, social media can shape our perception of news.
  3. Q: How do you stay informed about what’s happening in the world? A: I read newspapers, watch news broadcasts, and follow reputable sources online.
  4. Q: What global issue concerns you the most? A: [Global Issue] is something I find concerning and important to address.

Discussing Books and Movies: 111. Q: What’s the last book you read? A: The last book I read was [Book Title].

  1. Q: Do you prefer reading physical books or e-books? A: I enjoy both, but I prefer physical books.
  2. Q: Have you seen any good movies recently? A: Yes, I watched [Movie Title] recently.
  3. Q: Do you like classic literature? A: Yes, I appreciate classic literature.
  4. Q: What’s your favorite genre of books/movies? A: My favorite genre is [Genre].

Discussing Music: 116. Q: What kind of music do you listen to? A: I listen to [Music Genres], such as [Genre 1] and [Genre 2].

  1. Q: Do you play any musical instruments? A: Yes, I play the [Instrument].
  2. Q: Do you enjoy going to concerts? A: Yes, I love attending concerts and live performances.
  3. Q: Who’s your favorite musician/band? A: My favorite musician/band is [Artist/Band Name].
  4. Q: How does music affect your mood? A: Music can uplift my mood or help me relax.

Discussing Fashion and Style: 121. Q: How would you describe your personal style? A: I have a [Style Description] style, I like [Style Elements].

  1. Q: Do you enjoy shopping for clothes? A: Yes, I enjoy shopping and updating my wardrobe.
  2. Q: What’s your favorite piece of clothing? A: My favorite piece is [Clothing Item], it’s versatile.
  3. Q: Do you follow fashion trends? A: I’m aware of trends, but I prioritize comfort and personal style.
  4. Q: What’s your go-to outfit for a casual day? A: I usually go for [Outfit Choice] with [Accessories].

Discussing Relationships: 126. Q: How did you meet your closest friends? A: I met my closest friends through [Circumstances].

  1. Q: What do you value most in a friendship/relationship? A: I value [Trait/Quality] and [Trait/Quality] in relationships.
  2. Q: Do you believe in soulmates? A: I believe in strong connections, but I’m not sure about soulmates.
  3. Q: What’s the key to maintaining a healthy relationship? A: Communication, trust, and mutual respect are crucial.
  4. Q: What’s your favorite way to spend time with loved ones? A: I enjoy [Activities] with my loved ones.

Discussing Technology: 131. Q: How often do you use social media? A: I use social media [Frequency], but I try to limit it.

  1. Q: What’s your favorite app on your phone? A: My favorite app is [App Name].
  2. Q: Do you think technology has improved our lives? A: Yes, technology has brought many conveniences.
  3. Q: Are you concerned about the impact of technology on society? A: Yes, I think there are both positive and negative aspects.
  4. Q: How do you disconnect from technology? A: I [Disconnect Method], such as [Activity].

Discussing Holidays and Celebrations: 136. Q: What’s your favorite holiday? A: My favorite holiday is [Holiday Name] because [Reason].

  1. Q: How do you usually celebrate [Holiday]? A: I usually [Celebration Activities] with [People].
  2. Q: Do you have any holiday traditions? A: Yes, we [Tradition] every year.
  3. Q: What’s the most memorable celebration you’ve had? A: [Memorable Celebration] was memorable because [Reason].
  4. Q: Do you enjoy giving or receiving gifts more? A: I enjoy giving thoughtful gifts to others.

Discussing Language Learning: 141. Q: Do you speak any other languages? A: Yes, I speak [Languages], and I’m learning [Language].

  1. Q: What motivated you to learn a new language? A: I’m interested in [Language] culture and connecting with people.
  2. Q: How do you practice and improve your language skills? A: I practice by [Language Learning Methods].
  3. Q: Have you traveled to a country where you used the language? A: Yes, I visited [Country] and used [Language] there.
  4. Q: Do you think learning languages is important? A: Yes, it helps in understanding other cultures and people.

Discussing Achievements: 146. Q: Have you accomplished any personal achievements recently? A: Yes, I [Achievement] recently.

  1. Q: What’s your proudest accomplishment? A: My proudest accomplishment is [Accomplishment] because [Reason].
  2. Q: How did you feel when you achieved [Goal]? A: I felt [Emotion], it was a rewarding experience.
  3. Q: How do you stay motivated to achieve your goals? A: I remind myself of [Motivation Factors] and stay focused.
  4. Q: What advice would you give to someone striving for success? A: I would advise them to [Advice for Success].

Discussing Home and Living: 151. Q: Do you live in a house or an apartment? A: I live in an [House/Apartment].

  1. Q: How do you like to decorate your living space? A: I prefer [Decor Style], and I like [Decor Elements].
  2. Q: What’s your favorite room in your home? A: My favorite room is [Room], it’s [Reason].
  3. Q: Do you enjoy cooking at home or eating out? A: I enjoy cooking at home and trying new recipes.
  4. Q: How do you make your living space comfortable? A: I [Comfort Elements], such as [Elements].

Discussing Nature and the Outdoors: 156. Q: Do you like spending time in nature? A: Yes, I enjoy hiking and being outdoors.

  1. Q: What’s your favorite outdoor activity? A: My favorite activity is [Outdoor Activity].
  2. Q: Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? A: I prefer the [Beach/Mountains] because [Reason].
  3. Q: How often do you go for walks in nature? A: I try to go for walks [Frequency], it’s refreshing.
  4. Q: What’s your favorite thing about being in nature? A: I love the sense of peace and relaxation it brings.
Củng cố năng lực tiếp xúc tiếng Anh với 160 mẫu câu hỏi kèm cách vấn đáp. Mỗi câu trong bài học kinh nghiệm đều phát âm và phiên dịch giúp bạn thuận tiện học và rèn luyện thêm những câu tiếp xúc mà người quốc tế hay sử dụng .
Với dạng câu hỏi và vấn đáp thế này bạn nên rèn luyện tiếp tục với người khác để tạo sự tự tin cũng như phản xạ nhạy bén khi sử dụng tiếng anh .

140 câu tiếng anh hỏi và đáp

160 câu tiếng anh hỏi và trả lời thông dụng

Excuse me, are you English?
Xin lỗi, bạn là người Anh phải không?

No. I’m American.
Không. Tôi là người Mỹ.

Do you speak english?
Bạn có nói tiếng Anh không?

A little, but not very well.
Một chút, nhưng không tốt lắm.

What do you do?
Bạn làm nghề gì?

I’m a student.
Tôi là sinh viên.

How old are you?
Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?

I’m 26 years old.
Tôi 26 tuổi.

Are you married?
Bạn có gia đình chưa?

No. I’m not married.
Chưa. Tôi chưa có.

How long have you been here?
Bạn ở đây bao lâu rồi?

About 2 years.
Khoảng 2 năm.

How many children do you have?
Bạn có mấy người con?

I have three children, two girls and one boy.
Tôi có ba người con, 2 gái và 1 trai.

How many languages do you speak?
Bạn nói được bao nhiêu ngôn ngữ?

I speak two languages.
Tôi nói được 2 ngôn ngữ.

How are you?
Bạn khỏe không?

I’m fine, and you?
Tôi khỏe, còn bạn?

Would you like to have coffee?
Bạn có muốn uống cafe không?

No. Thanks. I like tea.
Không. Cảm ơn. Tôi thích trà.

How about a cup of tea?
Một tách trà thì sao nhỉ?

It sounds good.
Nghe được đó.

What are you planning to do today?
Hôm nay bạn định làm gì?

I’m not sure.
Tôi chưa biết chắc nữa.

Would you like a drink?
Bạn có muốn uống gì không?

Sure, let’s go.
Chắc chắn rồi, đi thôi.

Are you ready?
Bạn đã sẵn sàng chưa?

Yes. I’m ready.
Vâng. Tôi đã sẵn sàng?

Do you need a few minutes?
Bạn có cần một vài phút không?

I think we’re ready.
Tôi nghĩ chúng rôi đã sẵn sàng.

Anything else?
Còn gì không?

Nothing else.
Không còn gì cả.

Who would you like to speak to?
Bạn muốn nói chuyện với ai?

I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith please.
Tôi muốn nói chuyện với ông Smith.

When will he be back?
Khi nào ông ấy quay lại?

He’ll be back in 20 minutes.
Ông ấy sẽ trở lại trong 20 phút.

What time does it start?
It starts at 8 o’clock.

What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Ngày mai thời tiết thế nào nhỉ?

It’s suppose to rain tomorrow.
Trời có thể mưa vào ngày mai.

Are you afraid?
Bạn có sợ không?

No. I’m not afraid.
Không. Tôi không sợ.

Are you allergic to anything?
Bạn có dị ứng vói thứ gì không?

Yes. I’m allergic to seafood.
Có. Tôi dị ứng hải sản.

Are you hungry?
Bạn có đói không?

Yes. I’m hungry.
Vâng. Tôi đói.

Are you sick?
Bạn ốm hả?

Yes. I’m sick.
Vâng. Tôi ốm.

Are you sure?
Bạn có chắc không?

No. I’m not sure.
Không. Tôi không chắc.

Can you swim?
Bạn có biết bơi không?

Yes. I can swim.
Có. Tôi biết bơi.

Do you have a girlfriend?
Bạn có bạn gái không?

No. I don’t have a girlfriend.
Không. Tôi không có bạn gái.

Do you have any vacancies?
Bạn còn phòng (ghế) trống không?

Sorry, we don’t have any vacancies.
Xin lỗi, chúng tôi không còn phòng (ghế) trống.

Do you take credit card?
Bạn có nhận thẻ tín dụng không?

Sorry, we only accept cash.
Xin lỗi, chúng tôi chỉ nhận tiền mặt.

Do you understand?
Bạn có hiểu không?

Yes. I understand.
Có. Tôi hiểu.

How far is it?
Khoảng cách bao xa?

About 20 kilometers.
Khoảng 20 cây số.

How does it taste?
Cái đó có vị thế nào?

It’s delicious!
Nó ngon!

What is your job?
Bạn làm nghề gì?

I’m self-employed.
Tôi tự làm chủ.

How much do you have?
Bạn có bao nhiêu tiền?

I don’t have any money.
Tôi không có đồng nào.

What’s today’s date?
Hôm nay là ngày mấy?

October 22nd.
Ngày 22 tháng 10.

How much is it to go to Hanoi?
Tới Hà Nội giá bao nhiêu?

It’s 50 dollars.
Giá 50 đô.

Is it raining?
Trời đang mưa à?

Yes. It’s raining.
Vâng. Trời đang mưa.

What does he do?
Anh ấy làm nghề gì?

He is a farmer.
Anh ấy là nông dân.

What does this mean?
Cái này có nghĩa là gì?

That means friend.
Nó có nghĩa là bạn bè.

What time is check out?
Mấy giờ trả phòng?

11:30 tối.

What time is it?
Bây giờ là mấy giờ?

It’s a quarter past seven.
Bây giờ là 7 giờ 15.

What size?
Cỡ mấy?

Size 8.
Cỡ 8.

What’s your name?
Tên của bạn là gì?

My name is Tim.
Tôi tên là Tim.

Where’s the closest hotel?
Khách sạn gần nhất ở đâu?

There’s a hotel over there, but I don’t think it’s very good.
Có khách sạn ở đằng kia, nhưng tôi không nghĩ là nó tốt lắm.

Where are you leaving?
Khi nào bạn sẽ đi?

I’m leaving tomorrow.
Ngày mai tôi sẽ đi.

When is your birthday?
Sinh nhật của bạn khi nào?

My birdthday is May 17th.
Sinh nhật của tôi là ngày 17 tháng 5.

Where are you from?
Bạn từ đâu tới?

I’m from Vietnam.
Tôi đến từ Việt Nam.

Where would you like  to go?
Bạn muốn đi đâu?

I’d like to go home.
Tôi muốn về nhà.

How’s the weather?
Thời tiết thế nào?

It’s going to be hot today.
Hôm nay trời sẽ nóng.

Where does it hurt?
Đau ở đâu?

It hurts here.
Đau ở đây.

When do you get off work?
Khi nào bạn xong việc?

I get off work at 6pm.
Tôi xong việc lúc 6 giờ chiều.

How’s business?
Việc làm ăn thế nào?

Business is good.
Việc làm ăn tốt.

One way or round trip?
Một chiều hay khứ hồi?

A one way.
Một chiều.

Where is an ATM?
Máy rút tiền tự động ở đâu?

Behind the bank.
Sau ngân hàng.

Where’s the pharmacy?
Hiệu thuốc ở đâu?

It’s near the supermarket.
Nó gần siêu thị.

Are you busy?
Bạn có bận không?

Yes. I have a lot of things to do.
Có. Tôi có nhiều việc phải làm.

Is it ready?
Nó đã sẵn sàng chưa?

Everything     is ready.
Mọi thứ đã sẵn sàng.

What are you doing?
Bạn đang làm gì vậy?

I’m cleaning my room.
Tôi đang lau phòng.

Are you okay?
Bạn ổn không?

Yes. I’m okay.
Có. Tôi ổn mà.

How was that film?
Bộ phim đó như thế nào.

It was very interesting.
Nó rất thú vị.

Can I help you?
Tôi có thể giúp gì không?

Yes, I’m looking for a sweater.
Vâng, tôi đang tìm cái áo len.

What is wrong?
Chuyện gì thế?

Nothing. I’m fine.
Không có gì. Tôi ổn.

What do you call this?
Bạn gọi cái này là gì?

It’s an umbrella.
Nó là cái dù.

Where did you go on holiday?
Bạn đã đi đâu vào kì nghỉ?

We went to Vietnam.
Chúng tôi đi Vietnam.

Why did you go shopping?
Vì sao bạn đi mua săm?

I needed a new shirt.
Tôi cần cái áo sơ mi mới.

Can you play tennis?
Bạn có chơi tennis được không?

Yes, I can play tennis.
Vâng, tôi có thể chơi tennis.

Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Xin lỗi, chỗ này có ai ngồi chưa?

No. it isn’t.
Chưa. Chưa ai ngồi cả.

Would you mind moving over one?
Bạn có thể di chuyển lên trên không?

No, not at all.
Không, không được.

How much is it?
Nó giá bao nhiêu?

It’s $50.
Nó giá 50 đô.

How much altogether?
Tất cả bao nhiêu?

10 dollars.
10 đô.

How much are these earrings?
Đôi bông tai này giá bao nhiêu?

50 cents.
50 xu.

How much does this cost?
Cái này giá bao nhiêu?

It’s $50.
Nó giá 50 đô.

Are they the same?
Chúng giống nhau chứ?

Yes. They’re the same.
Đúng rồi. Chúng giống nhau.

It’s 15 dollars.
Nó giá 15 đô.

Can I try it on?
Tôi có thể thử nó không?

Sure, the changing rooms are over there.
Chắc chắn rồi, phòng thử đồ ở đằng kia.

What’s that?
Con gì vậy?

It’s a dog!
Nó là con chó!

May I open the window?
Tôi có thể mở cửa sổ không?

Tất nhiên rồi

Is this your shirt?
Cái áo sơ mi này của anh à?

No. It’s my father’s shirt.
Không, nó là áo sơ mi của ba tôi.

Whose is this?
Cái này là của ai?

It’s Jack’s.
Nó là của Jack.

How is she?
Cô ấy thế nào?

She’s pretty.
Cô ấy thật xinh đẹp.

What seems to be the problem?
Hình như đang có vấn đề gì thì phải?

I can’t find my laptop.
Tôi không tìm thấy cái laptop của tôi.

How much money do you have?
Bạn có bao nhiêu tiền?

I only have 7 dollars.
Tôi chỉ có 7 đô.

How much do you make?
Bạn kiếm bao nhiêu tiền?

5 dollars per hour.
5 đô một giờ.

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